Enterprise Architecture & Integration, SOA, ESB, Web Services & Cloud Integration

Enterprise Architecture & Integration, SOA, ESB, Web Services & Cloud Integration

Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Configuring proper roles to access ActiveVOS console using standard alone server

ActiveVOS serve that is embedded with designer does not have any login screen and by default you will be able to access the console that shows up dashboards, monitor, catalog and other features. But when you install ActiveVOS server as stand alone, you need to configure the server with
proper user and roles. Otherwise, you would not be able to access your http://localhost:8080/activevos page.

If you are familiar with Tomcat, you can add "admin" as user and role. Now you would be able to login as admin user. But you can't still see any contents as you do not have necessary privilege. You need to add these roles again your "admin" user to see proper contents of ActiveVOS console page.

For your reference, I am pasting contents from ActiveVOS site.

1) tomcat\conf\server.xml (file-based configuration)
<Realm className= "org.apache.catalina.realm.UserDatabaseRealm" resourceName="UserDatabase"/>

2) tomcat\conf\tomcat-users.xml file:

<role rolename="abTaskClient"/>
<role rolename="abServiceConsumer"/>
<role rolename="abAdmin"/>
<user username="admin" password="admin" roles="abAdmin, abTaskClient, abServiceConsumer"/>

 For further read, please follow this http://infocenter.activevos.com/infocenter/ActiveVOS/v92/index.jsp?topic=/doc.server_userguide/html/SvrUG3-4.html

ActiveVOS Error deploying BPR: No catalog mapping found for resource

I created a business process (BPEL) in ActiveVOS Designer and deployed in embedded server sucessfully. When I exported the process and deployed in standalone ActiveVOS server, the deployment failed. The ActiveVOS server spit the following error:

[INFO][CommonErrorHandlerProcess.bpr] Starting BPR archive deployment.
ERROR: [CommonErrorHandlerProcess.bpr] [CommonErrorHandlerProcess.pdd] Error deploying BPR: No catalog mapping found for resource "project:/org.activebpel.rt.email.services/wsdl/email.wsdl".
[INFO][CommonErrorHandlerProcess.bpr] Finishing BPR archive deployment.

After googling several times, I found that it was due to license issue. I have uploaded the license and the issue is resolved.

Before confirming it is license issue, you may have to follow the below steps:
1. Check if the server started successfully
2. Logon to ActiveVOS server console (http://localhost:6060/activevos)
3. Check the server status (Home --> Server Status)
4. Check the contribution (Catalog --> Contributions)
5. Check the resources after unchecking "Hide System" (Catalog --> Resources --> All)

Happy Orchestrating!